Stone Oakvalley's Amiga Music Collection (SOAMC=)
The automated Commodore Amiga Music converted to MP3/FLAC recordings! Download now!

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in All about SOAMC= | Wednesday, October 30, 2019 | 18:13

For the past week or so, the last in queue for the insane 1.5+ year automated 24/7 WINUAE powered ripping project are in its final stages doing the "long road home" to success and finalization!

Screenshot below is from 6 different PC's which have more or less since January 2019 working on high-speed to process and rip out music files automatically for 4 different ripper software 24/7 which is:

1: EaglePlayer v2.05 with EagleRippers installed
2: Pro-Wizard v2.20
3: ExoticRipper v3.3 (GUI)
4: ProWizard4PC vx.xx for PC (command line)

Processing together over around 13 million files INSIDE WinUAE that was derived from an original archive of 31 million files (My AmigaFiles archive).

It should be noted that the offical start of SOAMC= ENDGAME was 20th of April 2018, which is by now way over 1.5 years. During 2018, a multitude of WINUAE instances was working on processing almost in total together of 100 million files to decrunch and sort out "possible" files that could hold music formats/music files in them - part 2 of this project was to actually process everything over again to rip music from the standard and decrunched files!

During the time after, the 25 million stand-alone file stack where filtered and basically junk removed resulting in a file stack of around 3.5 million files. These 3.5 million files where then scanned by 4 ripping tools which have at the time of writing managed to rip out 275197 actual music files (not checked for duplicates and false positives yet though).

To get the automated loop for all 4 variantions and to be able to collect, index, organize, filter and extract those files, a huge amount of self-built tools was created as well - during the span of almost 8 years! Which is pretty much when the original SOAMC= and SOAMC= REDUX project officially ended!

So, SOAMC= never quit really, it just slowly grew into the absolutely most insane project ever attempted AND performed by anybody (I'm pretty sure).

To be honest, its quite difficult to explain this project on just 1 page, so please spend some time on my website looking through posts, news and basically everywhere to fully understand the magnitude of what has been done so far :-)

5 pc's are mostly accessed via TightVNC from my main computer (to the left).

To the right, parts of my main computer (2nd screen) desktop is showing a double instance of WinUAE running.

So, in total 6 pc's are currently working overload to get this shit done before Christmas :-)

Take a good look at this "computer corner".

It holds the core of SOASC= and SOAMC= recording projects that have traces all the way back in August 2006 (when SOASC= started).

Imagine its been over 13 years almost already.

At the bottom you can see a huge box on the floor, that is the actual webserver that holds the search engine as well as the MP3/FLAC recordings.

In the left shelf is everything I use and need to record 4 different SID chips on Commodore 64 (including NTSC models), as well as the actual recording PC.

The other shelf contains 2 panel PC's which are running ENDGAME ripping, and on the other side (on-top of a not-connected refrigerator) is 1 crappy old PC, and on the floor another crappy PC's (both also doing ENDGAME).

There are 2 pc's missing, 1 LAPTOP (in living room) together with my main computer which are also both processing ENDGAME.

Posted by: Old-schooler, Stone Oakvalley | Publisher: Crazy Multi Talent, Stone Oakvalley
Last revised: December 07, 2022 - 17:35 | Page views: 1275

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