Stone Oakvalley's Amiga Music Collection (SOAMC=)
The automated Commodore Amiga Music converted to MP3/FLAC recordings! Download now!

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ENDGAME in action!
in All about SOAMC= | Tuesday, January 22, 2019 | 00:46

After some weeks after initial pre-processing was done, a job was started to create batch files for everything. We ended up with 23.2GB of batch files, counting 81908 files to be executed on WinUAE.

In other news, we have added a quite multi layered progress bar on the frontpage of the SOAMC= webpage. Its just so many levels of processing :-)

Basically the new dedicated server is not yet fully at 100% operation speed, but at least it has started. It seems that the on-board graphics card isn't too fast for WinUAE, so we need to add a PCIe graphics card very soon.

Once that is done, we intend to start either 8 or 12 instances at the same time of WinUAE processing at high speed. We got 77 million files to be processed just within WinUAE alone, the remaining 25.6 million files will be processed by regular command line tool (ProWizard4PC) just inside Windows 7.

Server #1 is shown below. We might set up more servers, or even single PC's to help with this massive processing we got at hand. A total of 102 million files must be processed, and by the looks of it 2+ years at least!

For the history books: 21 Jan 2019 the actual ripping started!

Main Processing server:
Intel Server SR1550 with Intel Xeon CPU 5130 @ 2.00Ghz (2 processors) and 4GB of memory.

Running Windows 7 PRO 64bit

Posted by: Old-schooler, Stone Oakvalley | Publisher: Crazy Multi Talent, Stone Oakvalley
Last revised: December 07, 2022 - 17:35 | Page views: 1421

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